We had a lesson today too, instead of riding Mavrick I rode Pete today, he has been being very very naughty the past week so I rode him during our lesson, he has been acting out because a horse he was best friends with (his name is Blaze and OMG HES SO PRETTY!!!!! I have to say he is the best looking solid color horse I have ever seen! shh.... dont tell Chuck or Jet....) so this past week he has been beating the crap out of other horses protecting Blaze, and has been having a bad attitude towards other horses and tries to kick and bite at them while people try to ride. He did super good, the only thing we had trouble with is cantering, he cant pick up the right lead because he has arthritis in one of his legs. He picked up the right lead right away tho, and I really love his canter, he has the second smoothest canter next to Chucks, Chucks is a dream to ride its so collected and lovely! Pete has a nice smooth trot too, I sometimes had a hard time telling what diagonal he was on because he hardly moves his legs, but still keeps up pretty good for how short he is! Roni and I have made up a game where you have to put a water bottle on a certain thing while riding, like a truck, tractor, pole, barrel, and tons of other stuff. Well that finally paid off today, during our lesson we had a contest with the other two girls who ride with us. We put electric fence post insulators on the walls, and you had to get them one at a time and put them in the bucket, you had to stay going the same way, you could trot, and you couldn't cut through the middle to get to your bucket, we won 13-11 so it was close but it was still fun! The babys at the barn are getting so big, they look identical, its hard for people to tell them apart unless you know them well. The one baby had surgery, and when they did that they hit a nerve, and he couldn't breath so they had to put in a trach. (i don't know how to spell it) He is doing much better now, he and the other buck and play all the time, its always a good site to pull into the barn and see them running around bucking and playing with each other.
Today I did a BIG PROJECT I have started my obstacle course, I build a rope gait, the bridge needs some new wood for the top, but we should have that fixed soon, there is a small jump, a pool lader that you have to mount and dismount on and off of, a basket ball that you take to a bucked and throw it in, then there is the mail box, and the turn-around box, I still have plenty more ideas in mind, hopefully I will have the supplies the next weekend I am home so I can put them to the test, I didn't ride through it tonight but took a video from the ground going through it, Chuck even helped me set it up. So here are some videos from recently!