Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Horse Slaughter

I will start out by saying this, I know this may make people mad, if you don't like it don't look at it, you chose to come to this site, if you don't like it and want to let us know why please do it in a kind manner, no cursing swearing, name calling, you have your own opinions and so does everybody else, I am posting this and everybody can debate it.

So laws are getting passed here in my state to where horse slaughter plants are going to be re-opened. I really don't see any problem here and I think it should be spread throughout the country.

Now before you get all worked up think, think like you had never met an animal in your life, you didnt own a horse, or a cow, or a dog or cat or any animal for that matter, you knew they were meat like all other animals. There is no difference between the animal, the taste of the meat is different, but its not your dog Fido, or your horse Buck, or your cat Fluffy. They are all animals! They are all food! I know my dads proud of my common sense to see the side of it you aint a true cowgirl or cowboy if you grew up on a farm you love the animals to death but at the same time you know that horses and other animals are food.

Now I come to the point of actual slaughter. We have established that all animals including horses are food. I am "pro-slaughter" if it is done the right way. I approve of stun guns which is the most humane method of slaughtering, they render a horse brain dead. They can't feel or think, they don't feel pain or think "oh my gosh where am I" they don't think anything. People may say well that's the worse feeling in the world if they do feel that way then kill them no horse deserves to be like that! My response would be, "Then why in the world do we make people who are brain dead stay alive?"  If horses are slaughtered correctly they wont feel anything.

Another reason I am pro-slaughter is because we have to many horses here in the U.S..  One of the reasons we have so many horses is because there is no horse slaughter in the United States. How many horses die of starvation each day because there are to many for everybody to take care of? I would rather a horse be stunned and die instantly then slowly starve to death unwanted in some field which choice sounds better to you?

Another thought on the horses are animals. It would take a lot, but when it comes down to it, people are at the top of the food chain. If my family and I were for some reason starving, I would kill and eat my own horse. Self preservation comes first, mind over emotion. It would be very hard and I would be very sad, but the pain of losing my horse would be much less than that of losing my brother, or sister or parents. Horses are just like a cow, if you were starving and you had a nice fat cow just eating up your grass you would probably kill it to feed yourself or your family wouldn't you? I know I would and it would be no different with a horse, just a little more sorrow for killing a horse because I like horses. It may be the other way around for a person who loves cows.


  1. I am quite surprised with your post. I thought you would have been against horse slaughter. I too believe in horse slaughter if it is done correctly and humanely. There is nothing wrong with this post. I was raised on a farm and understand the purpose of all animals even the ones we love so dearly.

  2. Yes, all animals are food, think of the thousands of animals that die each day, we have way to many horses, even though we love them, we can't save them all and I rather they die quickly than slowly.

  3. I would agree in the long run, but I think they should have rules, like no sick horses should be used for consumption. Also, if they were given a strong medicine, like bute, and if it was used for consumption, also, it would get that thing that consumed it sick.

  4. The only reason we don't slaughter is because of the issues with horse meat cause of bute and other medications that can stay in the horses systems for years after they are given

  5. I total agree with your article. I believe in horse slaughter. Your points were well made. There are a lot of horses out there that could be used for meat to feed people but instead they die and go to waste a lot of them suffer cause of age or other reasons.
    I also believe for my self if I have to be hooked up to machines let me go and use what ever of me that can help someone else. Cause I'm a organ donor. My mom got a heart from someone who gave the gift of life.
