Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Saturday, November 30, 2013
Trainers....What do you think of Parelli now?
Hey guys, just thought I would let you guys take a look at this video, at least the first part for now, and let you know how I see this.
I agree with almost everything Rick is describing it this video. So now that you all see this, always learn as much as you can about people, you never know what they are really like, Linda is widely known, she has her lively hood at stake, she does this on her training videos, if I had bought this and saw this, I would have asked for a refund, I wouldn't want to use this training method, if this is just ground work what else happens behind closed doors? It just makes you think. Linda Parelli is a BIG name horse trainer, what do you guys think of this? Do you want this happening to your horse? How in the world is this right? The horse is confused and scared because of the person,
Good riding day!
Hey guys! So today was a fun day, we had our 2nd thanksgiving meal, we had one at my grandmas, and then one at our house, then after we ate, me and roni went out to ride, it was an AMAZING day to ride, and if you didn't make it outside to ride today you are INSANE!!! It was like 50 but it felt a lot warmer, I had a long sleeve shirt on and I was nice and sweaty when we were done, so was Chuck roni was wearing a t-shirt and she was fine, and she just worked with Jack on reining and foot positioning and backing. Chuck and I worked on transitions today, we worked on walk-halt, walk-trot, trot-halt, halt-trot, halt-canter, trot-canter canter-trot, canter-halt, and walk-canter. He did AMAZING!!! He still needs to work on the halt-canter, but everything else is show-worthy transitions, I loved it so much!!! There were a few times as soon as I asked for the canter he only took the one step needed to get into the correct lead, and he is getting so much better about picking up the right lead, he only picked up the wrong lead once and I was so happy for him!!! Chuck had worked up a good sweat, so we went on a trail ride, we were walking along, and a car came by, Jack wasn't looking, so he spooked at it, and Roni im SOOOO proud of you cause you handled it so well. She let him do his thing for a few seconds, and then went on like nothing happend! Yay! So lesson here is don't make a big deal out of something like that, just be calm, and your horse will realize there was no danger, nothing to spook about, another car drove by, and he didn't even really pay attention, his ears flicked forward, then started rotating around listining to roni and other things again. So proud of how the horses did today, I have 3 videos for you guys tomorrow when I can upload them from my phone, one is how to get burrs out of your horses mane, the other is how to post on the correct diagonal from horseback POV, and the other is cantering Chuck around horseback POV this was just our warm up, so we I wasn't focoused on transitions, so he had a little free time to kinda just relax and just stretch out and get loosend up before we got down to work. So overall it was an AWESOME day! So I have an idea in my mind, but im not sure if it will happen yet, so I won't say it, but if it does happen it will be over x-mas break and it will be so fun!
How to make your horse back without touching them or even pulling on the halter!
Grabbing chuck for the above video :)
Friday night Dayton Wild horse race! Our horses halter got stuck in the shute, so we didn't even get to do anything
Dayton Iowa Serpentien Riders "Let there be Cowgirls" performance
Dayton Wild Horse Race we got 2nd this night I think
Dayton barrel racers there are 2 different videos, I had to stand in my spot for at least one of them, but I didn't want to leave on the second one because we had just won the Wild horse race championships! <--- My spot!! It was interesting, a bull came out of the shute during one of the girl's runs, haha bet that made the horse run faster!
Grabbing chuck for the above video :)
Friday night Dayton Wild horse race! Our horses halter got stuck in the shute, so we didn't even get to do anything
Dayton Iowa Serpentien Riders "Let there be Cowgirls" performance
Dayton Wild Horse Race we got 2nd this night I think
Dayton barrel racers there are 2 different videos, I had to stand in my spot for at least one of them, but I didn't want to leave on the second one because we had just won the Wild horse race championships! <--- My spot!! It was interesting, a bull came out of the shute during one of the girl's runs, haha bet that made the horse run faster!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Exciting Morning!
Hey guys, so the horses bout gave my a heart attack this
morning! When somebody comes in the house and yells “their out!” me and roni
drop everything and I do mean DROP the horses had gotten out, and they were out
by the road/field, all of this happening as the bus was coming down the road!
We got 3 leads, and ran out, so like I
said about being able to lead Chuck by sticking my thumb in his mouth really
came in handy, I caught him and brought him to my mom, my mom threw a rope over
his neck, and this is another good thing that all of our horses know, If there
is a rope over your neck you act like its attached to your halter and follow
the person. They all know this for the most part, I got a rope and threw it
over Jets neck, and grabbed Jack by the halter, by this time the bus had been
there a little while and was waiting for us on the road, Lucky never wants to
be caught but he will sure follow! Roni grabbed Pearl, and we all headed back
to the gate down our drive a little ways, they had been all out in the field by
the road behind our house. Lucky stopped a little ways before the gate, so I
ran grabbed Chuck and ran way out into the pasture to get everybody to follow
along with lucky. Another good thing that Chucks so well trained in leading
rope on his neck, and me running as fast as I can. If he was a pushy horse that
wouldn’t work well. Lucky eventually
came in, and as soon as that was done, I let Chuck go, and ran for the house to
get my laptop bag, and my binder that had all my papers fly out of it and my
poptart case without my pop-tarts in it. So an EXCITGING way to start the
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