Hey guys, so today was an amazing day, we rode for hours, and I actually mean hours. So Roni didn't feel like riding today, because she was at Jadens and wanted to stay there longer, so Nick offered to come riding with me instead, and boy was that a good idea! Nick picked me up, and then we went down to the farm and got the horses, its so much more fun to have all 5 of them running after you in the RTV than just the two of them lol, so we got them back up to the yard from out in the field, and we got Chuck and Jack out, then groomed and tacked up and went into the yard to do a little ground work before we rode, they did really good with ground work today, so then we got on and headed up the road a little ways to get to the pasture, we just let them kinda amble along while we were in the open, but then we decided we wanted to go back and look at the trails my grandpa had made, and see some of the stuff we didn't look at while we were out hunting, so we went back there, you have to go down a decent hill to get to the stream bed and trails, and while going down the hill, Chuck slipped and fell on his side onto my leg, but was able to get back up, and Nick is already down the hill, yelling to ask me if im okay, and im getting myself off the ground saying "ya im okay im okay, I gota make sure hes not hurt!" and then go along making sure Chuck is okay, in the proccess swinging my hand into a thorny burn bush, then I said, well now im hurt, as I pulled the stupid thorns out of my pinky, then I had to figure out how to get back on, me being as short as I am and Chuck as tall as he is, I am glad we were on a hill, I know you guys don't see much of me on the ground cause most of my videos are from the saddle, but my stirrups when I stand on the ground, come almost up to my chest. So it is no easy thing for me to just hop back on, so I was able to position Chuck on a part of the hill that gave me the little edge I needed to hop up lol we then proceded down the trail, sometimes walking and sometimes troting, we came to the end of the trail, and then we decided to go to a little more difficult trail riding, I will remember to just tape my phone to my head next time so you guys can see what we were riding in, but it was hard enough to make it fun and challenging. I love working the horses in that kind of land because they have to actually think. We came up to a fallen tree, and nick was like "you think he'll go over this?" I said I don't know, because the tree/log was almost as high as Jacks chest, he ended up carefully (aka as careful as a horse like jack can be) picked his front feet up over it, and then did a almost crow hop like move to get his back end up and then hopped up the nice 3 foot bank up to the top of the hill, Chuck did like was, but it was a little smoother and quicker and then we walked a little ways along this ridge, and oh my goodness it was breath taking, and thrilling, walking along on a 1 1/2 foot wide trail with a 12 foot drop to one side and a nice steep hill on the other is one of the most amazing things ever, we got to the top of that part, and just stopped for a minute, and just looked, its amazing to see all of what God has created, horses aren't just for riding around in circles in an arena to look pretty, remember what they used to be used for, now we mostly use them to glorify and discover what God has made. I got 1 picture, but it doesn't capture anywhere close to a fraction of the beauty and magnificance of the moment. We then proceded down the steep hill on the other side of the ridge, and then we went and did some more extream trail riding and then we rode up to my dads house and led my sister around let the horses rest, and grabbed some water. Then we rode back slowly but surely, overall it was one of the most amazing rides I have had in a long time. I told Nick about one of the hills we used to ride down that scared me to death when ever we did, because my grandma had to hold me to keep me from falling out of the saddle, you had to basicly lay down on your horses back and stick your feet straight out in front of you to keep on. We got back and Chuck had worked up a good soaking sweat, so I did some light work around the yard, and then spent another hour giving him a good rub down and when he was finally dry we let him go back out with Jack, and then we got everything put away, and ready to go home. Overall it was an AMAZING day, maybe next time Roni can ride Jack and Nick Pearl that way we can all go out and ride togeather, for once I am actually sore from riding, I don't get to do fun hard challenging rides like that very often, there arn't many places with that type of riding in our area, so its nice to be able to really push you and your horses to the limits and the amount of trust you have to have is amazing, when in doubt let your horse do the thinking, and I will say I doubted my-self for a couple moments today, when your horse starts backing down a 1 1/2 foot trail with a 12 foot cliff to the side, I think "what in the world am I doing up here?" but it was SO worth it, you can't just get that amazing thrill from riding in circles in an arena. I plan to one day take Chuck out to the mountains and ride in the Rockies, that may be a few years away, but I WILL do that before I die. This is just the start of really building trust, I placed my trust fully in Chuck multiple times today, where if he had slipped we could both have easily died in a split second, but there is nothing that will compare, to just letting your body and horse take over, just letting it happen, not having to think "oh are my hands right" or "I hope I don't look like an idiot", because I know for a fact that jumping up a 3 foot embankment or riding above that cliff sure didn't make us look like some sissy arena riders.