Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Monday, February 24, 2014

Riding Today Almost to Bridleless!

Hey guys, Im so so so so so so so so HAPPY! Chuck did AMAZING tonight, in the whole hour and a half that we rode I only had to pick up the reins 7 times!!!! AHH! SO PROUD OF CHUCK! I love the fact, that if I wanted to, I could go out there, and hop on him with nothing at all, not even a neck rope and be able to ride him! I really can't wait to ride him again, but it started getting dark and snowy, but riding off all leg seat, and verbal cues, not many people my age, or even many people at all can do that, and I am proud to say I am one of them, no I don't have some fancy horse, no I don't have a horse that can run fast, or can jump high, or has the smoothest canter, but the bond we have is what very few horsepeople experience in their whole life time, my inspiration is Stacy Westfall, I hope to be able to ride Chuck like she rode her horse Roxy someday, and now were one step closer! I can't wait till I get to see Chuck again on Wednesday! Also I switched him over to a plain curb bit with a copper mouth piece, and now it doesn't matter what bit I use on him, if any at all, because
It will take a little more time, but Chuck trusts me, and I trust him, we don't need any of that stuff, we rely on trust and respect. I hate it when people think they need bits to ride their horses, and then when their horse becomes "hard mouthed" they just switch to a harsher bit, so here are some pictures of what happens when people do stuff like that to "control their horse"

Even a simple snaffle can cause harm in the wrong hands, and then to add to it, I see people with leverage, and tomb thumb bits, popping their horses in the mouth, and, always have constant pressure on the reins, and I want to rip the reins out of their hands, if you can't ride on a loose rein, don't just pull back, because you obviously missed some important ground work buddy.

Anyways heres a video of tonight, and the last minute of the video I put my hands up to show you that no I am not using my hands, Im so happy today! Were just going to keep getting better and better!

Good ride, but I fell!

Hey guys, sorry for not posting this weekend, but its been kinda busy, so Roni and I went riding on Saturday. I started Chuck off with some trick training (he is catching on really quick!) and then some ground work and then we headed out and rode for a while, Chuck is FINNALY getting leg ques down, he needs a reminder every once in awhile, but about 80% of the time now, he will go off just leg ques, were one step closer to tackless riding! We rode for a little over an hour, and decided to give the horses a break, so we turned them back out, and went up to the house for a little while, then came back down and got them caught and groomed, and hopped right on. Chuck did really good, but I asked him to turn right, so using my seat and leg, I leaned to the right slightly, and put my leg on, and then my grandpa hit the side of a trailer with the skidloader and Chuck jumped (drum roll please.... ) you guessed it left! I landed on one leg, then my other leg came over and hit the ground and twisted my leg, I layed on the ground for a sec, my knee and thigh hurt really bad, but I stood up and walked over to the nearest trailer, and hopped back on, I rode for another 5 mins, and my leg was getting worse, so I figured I would call it quits, we put the horses back and fed them again, and then went back up to the house and I iced my knee and thigh, took some tylonal, and let it rest, and then when I went home later that  night I took my muscle relaxers, because as time went on, it got worse and worse, by last night (sunday night) It was feeling okay, and every step i took didn't feel like sombody was beating my leg with a hammer, so one tip, try not to land and twist your leg or you end up like me with a pulled muscle! Not fun at all, I may or may not go riding again today, Im feeling a little better, but it all depends on whos around later today, so thanks for reading Im so happy we have 14 subscribers on youtube, 604 followers on twitter, 178 followers on pintrest, and 4584 views total on youtube! Hope you guys like it all!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Old Pictures of my time with horses

My 3rd Birthday I got a saddle for my birthday :)
same as above, except we had to test it out

This is one of my friends older sister at my first birthday party my friend was only about 6 months older than me at the time though, she is riding Candy she was the first horse that tripped and fell on me on more than one occasion ;)

Another picture from my first birthday party, Like I said before, I have been riding before I could even walk by myself, This is Buttons, this is the horse that I first "fell" off of, he was a wind sucker, my grandpa didn't get the girth tight enough, we got a little ways up the driveway, and off my grandpa and I fell, right into the gravel, but we still went riding that day :)
Another Pic from my first birthday, this is how I spend my first few years on horses, riding with my grandparents, and as I got older, they started teaching me how to steer, and how to stop and go with them there, and then I was finaly able to ride by myself, somebody would come with me on the trails, and eventually they let me go out on the trails by myself. I got in a few sticky situations, but that all makes me smarter and wiser with each experience....

This is a picture for you guys, these are Button's and Candy's bridles, in the pictures they are both 31 years, Buttons died the winter I was 6, and Candy died the following winter almost exactly to the day a year after buttons did when I was 7, I had got Lilly for my 7th birthday. Lilly was very depressed, the ground was frozen, so we couldn't burry her body, and we couldn't keep lilly away from it, even when she was starving, she started dropping weight, so we eventually started to take food out to her. She then got lonely, and started running to a farm with other horses that was about 5-6 miles down the river, and our trailer was in really bad shape, because we just got the floor fixed recently, so my grandpa would ride her back down the river. That summer someone dropped a horse off, we have no idea, he just showed up in our pasture one day, and there he was. He got named Outlaw, although he wasn't mean at all, he was a sweaty, he reminded me of Buttons. My grandparents sold Lilly and Outlaw a few years ago, they were sopose to come to my house in 2 weeks, but my grandpa sold them right out from under me, I still get tears in my eyes to this day, because the man who had bought him, had them sold, only one day after he bought them. I still to this day don't know what happend to them, but there are stories of people finding horses after many years, and I really hope that one of those amazing stories may be me someday....

Friday, February 21, 2014

This is what a farm kid is like...

Hey guys, so this is a must watch video it is really a tear maker, I love the way this kid thinks....

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Last night!

Hey guys, so last night while everyone else was at conformation last night, I went down and messed with the horses and fed them because my grandpa is gone. Anyways I went out to see them in the field, I walked instead of taking out the RTV or the  4-wheeler, so I about slipped! There were a few spots where the water got a little over half way up my boots. So I just went out and groomed everybody, and rubbed on them and gave them treats it was SO FUNNY Chuck for some reason was really mouthy, (not in a bad way, and he normally doesn't do it, I think it was just from getting treats and all of me smelled like yummyness!) No he wasn't nipping me, or my coat, he played with my hat but that has a werid stringy texture thats almost like hay on the ends. Anyways he kept trying to EAT MY PHONE! Silly horse, he even grabbed the brush with his teeth too! Anyways I was very toutched I led Chuck most of the way up to the barn and let im go and shut the camera off, and I got back to the gate, and they were standing at the top of the hill, and turned around and ran away from the other horses towards me! I was very toutched, 20-30 acres and our hoses enjoy being with us, and always come up willingly! Even if we don't have treats or grain (that can certiantly make it go quicker) they still walk and trot up to us. It makes me love them even more! Heres 2 videos from tonight, showing them and how Lucky loves being scrached too! And near the end of the first video is where Chuck tries to eat my phone!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Riding Today!

Hey guys, so we went riding today, because its INSANE  not to, it was above 30 degrees today if you didn't you should really regret it, it has been so cold the past few weeks, and we have still ridden, but it isn't as fun, plus bareback keeps you nice and warm we don't have a fancy indoor arena so we have to deal with outside wind, precipatation, and not so nice footing! We were able to ride in just sweatshirts, so it was AMAZING! We made quite a few videos for you guys today, and now BOTH Roni Jack, and Chuck and I can stop without picking up on the reins at all! So proud of our boys, we are improving by leaps and bounds! Can't wait for it to warm up more so we can do more than walking without having to worry about slipping, and when I fall on the ground (like I did today I think its in the top video, I don't land in a puddle of mud!)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Jet fell....

So Jet had a little mishap, im pretty sure he has a deathwish, because he fell down 10 foot riverbank yesterday. Were not sure exactly what happend, but yesterday, a snowmobiler came up to my grandmas house and said we had a horse on the river, I had just got out of the shower so my hair was soaked, so I grabbed my pink hunting hat, and Roni and I both ran out to the 4-wheeler and followed the guy down, images were going through my head, my grandparents horses had jumped off the cliff when they were ready to go, and they both came out with broken legs, I was so worried about Jet, We followed the man down the trail and onto the river, I was so relieved when I saw Jet standing. The man was standing with him and petting his neck, when we caught up to him. I walked up and said how are you boy, and I think the man thought I was talking to him, because he said good! LOL but then I said Thank you and the man said your welcome and left I threw a halter and clip ons on him, because that was the only thing we had brought, and we checked how he was walking to make sure he wansnt hurt at all, then I walked him all the way back down the river and up to the trail on our land, and once we got on the trail I hopped on the back of the 4-wheeler and led Jet that way because my feet were freezing cold, I didn't even have any socks on because I didn't have time to grab any! Anyways we took him back to the farm, and I gave him a few hand fulls of grain, and then we went out into the pasture to find where he fell, we did, and we are guessing that the horses either spooked or one of the horses kicked Jet, because there was just a trail of them walking along, and then all the grass was matted down, and there were hoof prints all over, anyways heres a video of the spot where he fell, I will try to maybe get some pictures from down on the river today, but we'll see how that goes.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

New videos!

Hey everybody, I just thought I would share some videos of us messing around with the horses at the farm, I hope you enjoy!