Hey guys so I also forgot to update about the more horsie things of my weekend, my grandma came out to work with Chance but she to be quite frank isn't very good at it and he figured out that he didn't have to do anything for her because she wouldn't be firm enough, so I had just started Chucks workout when things went bad with them, I had to go over and within a few minutes had it sorted out and went into an in dept explination of how to work with him, by the time I was done showing her she wanted to be done, so she put him back and went inside. Tj hopped on Chuck and rode him around a little bit while Roni was on Jack, Roni cantered him and he did good, so I told her to take the saddle off and go bareback she did canter once and did okay and the second time he decided to slam on the breaks and spin, she came off, so I hopped on him, he did it to me once, I lost the reins and he tried to run off we caught him, I got back on, the next time he stopped started to spin, I hung on until he did a little rear and came back down and tried to spin again I came off but held onto the reins and got dragged about 8 feet on my belly, got up and got back on, and I apparntly hadn't caught my breath at all because I was having trouble breathing and the next thing I knew I was on the ground, he didn't do anything but I was frustraited/had the wind knocked out of me enough to the point where I was seeing spots Jack took off again and Roni went to catch him while I sat there and caught my breath, she lunged him, and I finally was able to stand up and walk without feeling like my head would explode, so I got back on and he decided that just stopping and turning wasn't enough he decided he would resort to flat out bolting again, I made it through one bolt and got him slowed down but I didn't survive the next one because he bolted and then did his stop spin thing, this one knocked the wind out of me again, I held onto the reins and he didn't drag me that time, but I was out of breath, Roni came and took him from me and he got lunged real hard, I sat there for close to 10 minutes with my head between my knees trying to catch my breath, after that I finally could stand up, I walked to the door and told Nick Jack would go in a stall tonight so we could work him the next day, I took water and hay out while Roni finished lunging him and cooling him out, then she took both him and Chuck out and put Chuck out and Jack in the stall by the time she came back I had put everything up, we went inside and as I ran out of my adrenaline rush, my wrist was hurting, Nick checked it out and said just take Aleave and put ice on it, and thats what I did and then I went to bed.
We also had our lesson this weekend. We figured out who we are riding for the show, I am not riding Mavrick, but I am Riding Banner, so we rode the horses we would ride in the show for that lesson, Vironica is not riding in my group and she is riding on Pete, I had only ridden Banner one other time before then and it was only like my 3rd lesson, and we didn't do much as for trotting and cantering. Banner is one of the younger horses who has a bit more spirit, younger kids ride him, but usually only at the walk because he can sometimes be a little quick and sensitive or he realizes he can get away with not listining and won't respond to your ques at all or doens't respond in a reasonable amount of time when you que him. We were riding with 3 other girls, one of them it was only her second time riding, the other had ridden at High Bridge when she was a kid and the other has been taking lessons for awhile but isn't very advanced. So the one who wasn't very advanced didn't do trot work or canter work with the rest of us and neither did the girl who was only her second time riding, they did work on the lunge line with Anne, while I got to lead our group through tons of walk trot transitions. The girl before me had had trouble getting Banner to respond to ques when asked he would wait and wait and wait then finally decided he would do it, and that was our goal, and we did really good at it, then the 2 girls who couldn't canter went one in the middle and one on the edge so we wouldn't be squished to the wall when we cantered, I was in front so I didn't have to worry about keeping Banner out of anyones tail until the Anne switched us so I was in the middle, I had to keep him slow as he could go without breaking gait which is kinda hard on him. Then the girl said she thought Snickers would do better behind Banner agian so we switched again, I was trying to work on getting a good working canter out of him, we switched directions two times, then on our second to last time cantering Banner humped up, which some people may call it a buck or a crow hop, (I don't) but its when a horse is in a canter and they put their heads down and start bringing their butt up really high at the end of the stride almost like a buck but its not a full out buck, the look on Libbys face was quite funny, she look terified! I continued to push him through until he gave me a nice canter and when he finally did we went back to a trot, Libby was very happy with how I handled it, she said I handled it perfectly then told me if it happend again to just do the same thing, because if I had let the pressure off he normally throws a stop in there and you go flying forward with a little crow hop, I think the only reason I didn't really think anything off it is because Chuck does it sometimes too, he just wants to let off a little steam or doesn't feel like doing anything so he does that, and I do the same thing with him, the rest of it went good and we cantered more and it all went well, we helped untack groom and put out horses and talked about the next lesson times and if we would ride with our groups or not and got all that sorted out, went and wrote our names down on the big lesson board, then went home, it was a good day and I had lots of fun riding Banner, Anne said I work really well with him, I think its because hes so much like Chuck, he doesn't need a lot of rein cues and thrives off of leg cues. I hope I can ride him more again in the future!