Hey guys, so this week is national convention week! So yesterday was a VERY long day spending almost 12 yours on the road! It was a long but fun day! We left on our charter bus at 8 yesterday and didn't get into our hotel till 10:20. We woke up and took a buss from our school to the pick up place for the charter bus and we were one of the first groups there so we got decent seats, this is my first time riding on a charter bus and I have to say I really liked it. It was really weird being so high up though. We watched 4 movies along the way, we watched one which i don't even remember which one it was cause I read a book during it, fast five, remember the Titans and the blind side, we stopped for lunch and roni and I ate pizza hut and then we ate supper at Ihop. But so far its been a very exciting trip I have made 2 new friends who are also sisters traveling together, today we are going to the Mammoth Caves, can't wait!!!!
Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Hey guys so some updates, so we went on a road ride last week, and it was grandpas 3rd ride with us and his first time out of the yard, he only had a problem with comming back he was a little barn sour... anyways I rode Jet for that ride, and he really is quite good at leg cues already, they just need some refinement, I didn't even have to use direct rein much at all, and no we wernt just walking along the side of the road, we zig-zaged at the trot and he did really good with that too.... then when we got back we went up and down the ditches a few times, and then went to do "arena" work in the yard, and I got Jet to pick up the canter a few times and boy is it smooth.... he has the fancy WP gaits and no wonder those people don't have any trouble riding those horses, I hope they have actually ridden real horses because a 3 year old could ride that and not fall off lol! His canter is so lovely :) anyways then we havn't ridden from that time, but I have gone out and worked with Chuck at liberty again :) He is doing so much better :) Heres some videos for you guys also riding videos to come this weekend :)
Go to 10:52 to see where he really starts paying attention and we "Join Up" later in the video :)
Also below is my new channel trailer! Hope you like it!!!
Go to 10:52 to see where he really starts paying attention and we "Join Up" later in the video :)
Monday, October 13, 2014
Horse Show Weekend
Hey guys, so this weekend was really fun! Saturday we had our lesson, it was the last one for the year, they are closing down again this winter because Libby (our instructor) is going to have another Baby. We went on a trail ride and just to clarify that their trail rides arn't just at a walk we trotted quite a bit too... and if we hadn't had a younger girl with us we would have cantered, its fun to canter on trails, we have done it a few times before and it was really fun. So then we went home and ate, then we went out to move our deer stands, the area where I shot mine had little deer activity I was actually pretty lucky to have shot one there lol so we moved ours back by the creek I also showed Roni where we had rode last winter where the big cliff was and I had her take a picture of me from the bottom, I will get the picture up later and compare, it looks bigger from the bottom. Anyways then we went home and we watched the new transformers movie, the movie ended at exactly midnight, we had popcorn and it was really yummy too!
The next morning I got up at 6 to start getting ready, I went out and caught Chuck and brought him up and got him all really clean and then got everything else packed up and Roni grabbed Jack so Chuck wouldn't be lonely... we drove and when we got there there were 3 other trailers there, then we unloaded and I went to registure and Roni groomed Chuck again, I came back and tacked him up after I registured my number was 138, I finished and then I took Chuck out to the arena to warm up and get him used to things, at first he was a little nervous, he tried to trot and didn't like to go near a portion of the fence, but he got used to it real quick, I was super proud, there was another girl there who's horse really wanted to go and they kept blowing by us at a quick canter a little closer than I would have liked, but Chuck was pretty cool about it, then more people came and I had w/t/c with chuck both ways so I just walked and let him Chill out, we were asked to exit the arena and we went into the holding area and waited, I was in the first class so I didn't wait long, the first one was Simon says, Chuck did really good! But I messed up, we didn't last long lol I was the first out, the anouncer said stop without saying simon says before and I was so focused on my riding and trying to ride well I didn't think about him having to say simon says and I stopped when he said, and I was out, although I was happy because Chuck stopped instantly and listined very well..... Next up was egg and spoon I did okay, I dropped when I had dropped my reins while backing and went to pick them back up and I knocked the egg off with my reins lol, I was NOT the first out of that though :) then went some of the actual gamming classes first up was the ride tire and lead and I did okay with that, I didn't place but I was happy, its easier to jump out of an english saddle than western so maybe I should work on that more, then next up was poles, and it was the one thing I placed in, but ironicaly the one thing I hadn't had any practice with along with not being able to practice keyhole, but we placed 5th in the junior division which had around 10+ riders so I was really happy with that :) I was especially happy with the fact that we did that good even though half way through I lost BOTH my stirrups lol there were girls who rubber banded their feet to the stirrups because they do the horrid "flying starfish" where they bring their legs way out to kick their horses and can't stay in the seat of the saddle even though they have such a deep seat..... then after that was barrels and then keyhole, barrels went well, we ran a clean pattern and were only 8 seconds slower than the winning time which was 18.6 something, we ran a 26. something time (it says it in the video) and I was happy with that being the first time we have ran outside of our yard and Brushy he really put his heart into it.... Keyhole he was either just being silly or was scared of the white chalk on the ground but he didn't want to go to it at first, but we broke pattern (stepped on the line) but he gave me his heart on the run back, he really tried hard and I think we would have had a pretty good time had we not broke pattern, overall it was an amazing day, we watched the last event (dizzy bat spin) and during the last few riders I went back and took Chucks saddle off, threw his halter and tied a lead rope around and just rode him back up to the arena bareback and when everyone was done I rode him around the arena once more then went back to the trailer and we packed up and left over all it was an AMAZING day and I had tons of fun!!!
The next morning I got up at 6 to start getting ready, I went out and caught Chuck and brought him up and got him all really clean and then got everything else packed up and Roni grabbed Jack so Chuck wouldn't be lonely... we drove and when we got there there were 3 other trailers there, then we unloaded and I went to registure and Roni groomed Chuck again, I came back and tacked him up after I registured my number was 138, I finished and then I took Chuck out to the arena to warm up and get him used to things, at first he was a little nervous, he tried to trot and didn't like to go near a portion of the fence, but he got used to it real quick, I was super proud, there was another girl there who's horse really wanted to go and they kept blowing by us at a quick canter a little closer than I would have liked, but Chuck was pretty cool about it, then more people came and I had w/t/c with chuck both ways so I just walked and let him Chill out, we were asked to exit the arena and we went into the holding area and waited, I was in the first class so I didn't wait long, the first one was Simon says, Chuck did really good! But I messed up, we didn't last long lol I was the first out, the anouncer said stop without saying simon says before and I was so focused on my riding and trying to ride well I didn't think about him having to say simon says and I stopped when he said, and I was out, although I was happy because Chuck stopped instantly and listined very well..... Next up was egg and spoon I did okay, I dropped when I had dropped my reins while backing and went to pick them back up and I knocked the egg off with my reins lol, I was NOT the first out of that though :) then went some of the actual gamming classes first up was the ride tire and lead and I did okay with that, I didn't place but I was happy, its easier to jump out of an english saddle than western so maybe I should work on that more, then next up was poles, and it was the one thing I placed in, but ironicaly the one thing I hadn't had any practice with along with not being able to practice keyhole, but we placed 5th in the junior division which had around 10+ riders so I was really happy with that :) I was especially happy with the fact that we did that good even though half way through I lost BOTH my stirrups lol there were girls who rubber banded their feet to the stirrups because they do the horrid "flying starfish" where they bring their legs way out to kick their horses and can't stay in the seat of the saddle even though they have such a deep seat..... then after that was barrels and then keyhole, barrels went well, we ran a clean pattern and were only 8 seconds slower than the winning time which was 18.6 something, we ran a 26. something time (it says it in the video) and I was happy with that being the first time we have ran outside of our yard and Brushy he really put his heart into it.... Keyhole he was either just being silly or was scared of the white chalk on the ground but he didn't want to go to it at first, but we broke pattern (stepped on the line) but he gave me his heart on the run back, he really tried hard and I think we would have had a pretty good time had we not broke pattern, overall it was an amazing day, we watched the last event (dizzy bat spin) and during the last few riders I went back and took Chucks saddle off, threw his halter and tied a lead rope around and just rode him back up to the arena bareback and when everyone was done I rode him around the arena once more then went back to the trailer and we packed up and left over all it was an AMAZING day and I had tons of fun!!!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Videos for you all!
Hey guys, so here are the videos I blogged about posting for you last night!!!
Top one is part 1 and next one is part 2 of the horses respond to an app on my phone that makes horse sounds :)
The above 3 are the horses responding to us shooting, I didn't put them in order but the ones where they freak out the most are first and the least is the last video I did then I shot a bit more and so did nick and they got to the point they wouldn't even look up from grazing
So the above 2 are Chance's second ride, he is doing pretty good considering he hadn't been ridden in at least 8 months, he knows what hes doing, he is a little pasture sour so were going to nip that in the butt right away and work with him on that, all of our rides will be right next to the pasture at first so he learns that that is not the place to go, its a place to work...... the first video is just a little walk and stuff and about 9 mins into the second video is trot and canter work.....
This is just a video of me testing how my go pro would work on my bow, and it does, im going to take it hunting with me next time I go, cause bow season started just about a week ago and I would like to go get another deer :)
This is a new music video for you all! Hope you guys like it I love this song!
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