Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
One more Video!
Hey guys, sorry the video is a day late, so today you get two of them!!! Hope you enjoy them, one of them was made today and one over the weekend, we filmed the last part of We lived just last night (Monday) So be watching for that special part at the end It was a blast filming it!!!
The first Video is pretty good too.... Vironica liked the first one, and suggested the music for We Lived... Like I said more videos to come this week!!! If you don't want to wait to see them, go check them out on youtube!!!
The first Video is pretty good too.... Vironica liked the first one, and suggested the music for We Lived... Like I said more videos to come this week!!! If you don't want to wait to see them, go check them out on youtube!!!
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Hey guys, so sorry I havn't posted in so long, anyways I finally figured out a new way to get my videos because a long while back my computer crashed so I had to get a different computer, and I lost all my videos, and my usual method of getting my videos that are saved to youtube to my computer is by making a screen video/shot thing with quick time player, but the one on the computer I have doesn't work, and neither does the microphone or camera, so I finally found a different method of downloading music and videos cause I don't have quick time or itunes and such to get music on my computer (heck and even if I did half of its blocked haha ) Anyways I made a few videos this weekend, I hope you like them, and I am going to post one today, one tomorrow and one tuesday and MAYBE one on wednesday, and sometime between now and then I will do a short update on a ride we took last weekend that was really fun and upload the videos from all of that!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Hey guys, sorry for not updating, I ment to these past few days but something came up. That something would be my Great Dane Sadie, started having seizures. We took her to the vet and they diagnosed it as epilepsy. She had 2 seizures the first day and 3 the second day, and (thankfully) she only had one today. She got put on medication that she has to have twice a day. It really sucks when she has her bad seizures, she loses control of her back legs and can't use them at all, and with a dog her size its difficult to keep her calm, so ya just gota sit there and try to keep her from getting up cause all she does is slide backwards on her butt into things. Its just no fun cause theres nothing you can do about it and she shakes so bad, and sometimes she whines, and theres nothing you can do, you cant explain to her why she can't stop twitching and shaking, or why she can't move her legs. The meds are sopose to take about a week to completly kick in. Im just glad she only had one small episode today. Thankful for the friends who have been praying that she has a speedy recovery, you know who you are :) and thankful to God for helping me and her stay strong. Its no fun watching your pet go through that, and I wouldn't wish it upon anybody. Thanks again for the prayers from everyone.
This is one of her mild seizures, her legs were shaky but she could kinda stand on her own
Roni and I went riding over Christmas break, and Roni fell off when Jack spooked at the skidloader, (which he has seen only 1000 times and its been used to move hay to feed them the silly bugger! LOL), she had been cantering him he had only been cantered a few times in the past year, so considering that added to the problem, oh well, she got back up, even though her hip and hand hurt, and she cantered him to the left again (left is his good side) and then she went to canter him to the right and we were both pretty happy when he picked up the correct lead right away!!! He almost never picks up the Right lead, usually it takes a couple tries, and he tries to counter canter, but he picked it up no problem!!! They also worked on riding up and down hills, which is good practice to make them think through the hill.
Also I would just like to remind everyone to donate blood whenever you can!! I just went back on friday for my second donation! I was again told I bleed fast, as the whole donation process took 5 minutes and 21 seconds! The person who drew my blood's name was Ben, we talked the whole time, I brought my phone to play on, but I didn't even need it! He had a pen that had a horse head on top, it looked like a really realistic grey horse, and I said I loved his pen cause im one of those horse crazy people and he asked if I had horses and how many I had. Then he told me about how he fell off when he was younger and didn't get back on till he was 24 as a suprise for his fiance, who then proceded to tell him all the stuff he was doing wrong! After that we talked about how Roni would love his watch and lanyard that he had because his watch had a captain America shield as the backdrop, and his lanyard had the avengers all over it. I really wonder how in the world can 38% of Americans are able to donate yet only 4% do? More people need to get out there and do it, all it is is a slight pinch in your arm, and thats it! Its not hard people, don't be squemish about it, it saves lives! Sadly right now because of the weather the center I donate to is on a blood shortage, but you can only donate whole blood every 56 days, so I won't be able to donate till Feb 27, and that is close to our FFA's next blood drive, so I think I will donate platelets instead because you only have to wait 2 weeks, but it takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours to donate because your blood has to be processed through a machine, platlets removed, and the rest of the blood componates put back into your body. But the more you can donate the better! So get out there and donate today!!!
Chuck and I worked on hills too, and he did pretty good, I got him a new hack its a fleece lined hack that looks like this one except the top part of the noseband has fleece on it....
This is one of her mild seizures, her legs were shaky but she could kinda stand on her own
Roni and I went riding over Christmas break, and Roni fell off when Jack spooked at the skidloader, (which he has seen only 1000 times and its been used to move hay to feed them the silly bugger! LOL), she had been cantering him he had only been cantered a few times in the past year, so considering that added to the problem, oh well, she got back up, even though her hip and hand hurt, and she cantered him to the left again (left is his good side) and then she went to canter him to the right and we were both pretty happy when he picked up the correct lead right away!!! He almost never picks up the Right lead, usually it takes a couple tries, and he tries to counter canter, but he picked it up no problem!!! They also worked on riding up and down hills, which is good practice to make them think through the hill.
Also I would just like to remind everyone to donate blood whenever you can!! I just went back on friday for my second donation! I was again told I bleed fast, as the whole donation process took 5 minutes and 21 seconds! The person who drew my blood's name was Ben, we talked the whole time, I brought my phone to play on, but I didn't even need it! He had a pen that had a horse head on top, it looked like a really realistic grey horse, and I said I loved his pen cause im one of those horse crazy people and he asked if I had horses and how many I had. Then he told me about how he fell off when he was younger and didn't get back on till he was 24 as a suprise for his fiance, who then proceded to tell him all the stuff he was doing wrong! After that we talked about how Roni would love his watch and lanyard that he had because his watch had a captain America shield as the backdrop, and his lanyard had the avengers all over it. I really wonder how in the world can 38% of Americans are able to donate yet only 4% do? More people need to get out there and do it, all it is is a slight pinch in your arm, and thats it! Its not hard people, don't be squemish about it, it saves lives! Sadly right now because of the weather the center I donate to is on a blood shortage, but you can only donate whole blood every 56 days, so I won't be able to donate till Feb 27, and that is close to our FFA's next blood drive, so I think I will donate platelets instead because you only have to wait 2 weeks, but it takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours to donate because your blood has to be processed through a machine, platlets removed, and the rest of the blood componates put back into your body. But the more you can donate the better! So get out there and donate today!!!
Chuck and I worked on hills too, and he did pretty good, I got him a new hack its a fleece lined hack that looks like this one except the top part of the noseband has fleece on it....
He did amazing, I havn't done much work bitless lately, and he has started getting fussy with the bit, and saving up my money so I can have his teeth floated, but he worked so well in this, I was very happy, normally when we canter, when we first start he will pin his ears back a little, but he didnt pin his ears the whole ride! It was an amazing ride, we worked on flying lead changes, which he is still working on, he gets them about half of the time now, working on really getting him up under himself and collected, because it makes the flying easier for him, and I think hes starting to realize that, we did have a little case of the zoomies, but what do you expect after not being ridden for a month? He is doing pretty dang good if I do say, who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks right?
Anyways here are 2 other videos for you guys, these are of roni, I ment to use my gopro but I forgot to charge it before we got there! So I just took 2 videos of Roni, and I have a picture of the frozen creek, but not on my computer yet, so Ill post that next time...
The first video is riding down the hill by the bees hive and the second is riding up the hill to the hogsback....
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