Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Monday, March 4, 2013


Ok posting on a few issues a friend of mine has told me. Horses are big and scary, and they roll around in poop. I know all horse people would have to dissagree, but I can see how that would happen. She was once thrown off a horse, and hasn't come to terms with it. I am going to try to have her face her fears, and come over and meet Chuck personaly. Chuck is a very nice horse, who loves to be loved, groomed, and petted. I had had a similar problem when I was about 7 years old. My grandparents for my 6th birthday got me a very green 2 year old, who I rode with some problems for a year. One day she got fed up and threw me. I didn't ride hardly at all for almost 2 years. I finally got back on a horse for more than a few minutes, after we moved to our new farm, our friends started boarding our horses at our house and I met O'ryan He was about 13 hands, and was very sweet. I rode him more and more offten until O'ryan had to leave. I still miss him. After that we eventualy ended up with our own horses. I picked out the first 2 we bought and Chuck was one of them. He trusted me from the begining. Chuck built up my trust in horses again. I hope I can help my friend trust them again too.

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