Well, what can I say.... I tried! Today we were all siting at the kitchen table bored out of our minds. I had a bright idea, so said, "Hey Nick if I go lunge Navajo you can get on him", and then he said, "How about I go lunge him and YOU can get on him", so then I said, "Well how about I do both!" and he said sure, I was surprised, because my parents don't like me riding new horses without knowing what they are going to do first. So Navajo is awesome at lunging, He knows walk and trot, but I couldn't get him up to a canter. My parents wouldn't let me just ride him right away unless he did really good, so we started off with just leading him around, and im sure glad that's what we did. He LOVES LOVES LOVES to crow hop! They weren't very bad, but he sure did it a lot, he would do it every few steps, Im glad he didn't throw a huge fit, but I cant imagine what he would have done without Nick there to keep him from really throwing a fit, because he had some crow hops that about turned into a saddle bronc practice session!
On a sadder note, Duchas the horse we sold had had some bumps on her that we had noticed, we were keeping an eye on them and if they got worse or started hurting her any we were going to call the vet. After many many different opinions we think she has cancer. I don't know the full extent of the details, but as soon as I do I will let you know. If any of you have had this happen before, please let me know how it went, treatment, what type, and such. The largest and most noticeable bump that we now know is a tumor was on her flank, It bulged out like she had been kicked or had rubbed on something. I have no control over what happens now with her as she is not mine or my families horse anymore, but I will hope for the best and keep you updated.
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