So this weekend went AMAZING! So Saturday was an early morning I was up and moving by 5 and in the tree by 6. We ended up not seeing anything, then after that was off to our lesson. We went and practiced for the Demo/Show, we were did a Musical Drill Team presentation, like the serpinten riders, but english. :) We had 5 people riding in our group. After that we came home and I went out to work with Jet, I thought him the basics of lunging, but he has a nasty problem, It could have ended badly if I wasn't paying attention. If you ask for anything more than a slow walk he KICKS he got much closer to my face than I would have liked he kicked out a total of 14 times during the time that we worked, and I got some rope burn in the process :( After that we went back out to the tree stand, and saw nothing again.
Today started out early again, up at 5 am, but we didn't get to the tree as soon as we had liked, while we were walking to the stand I rolled my ankle, It HURT! I laid there for a little bit trying to not cry at all, but I laid there for a few minutes breathing pretty deep, then Nick helped me back up, and we continued our walk to the stand. After we were finished hunting we walked back along the road, and less than 30 yards away was a deer but we couldn't shoot at it cause we didn't have permission to hunt there. So then we came home, and I worked with Chuck for a bit, then we had to get ready for the show. My mom and both of my grandmas came because my step dad had to take the boys to the football game, and my real dad doesn't like horses. We had fun at the show, I got to watch the jumper group, we will be able to start jumping soon too, one girl who was jumping on Pete lost her seat, and crashed head first into the ground, she got right back up and rode him around again, that was the only accident from today. We are now going to add onto the barn, there will be 5 more tie stalls for grooming and tacking up, a new tack room, 2 more box stalls, a bathroom in the barn, and a new heated and air conditioned lounge for watching lessons.
After that I went to get my dress fitted for homecomming, I love it its pretty :) Then we came home and rode Chuck and Jack some more, they are both comming along really well :) here are some pictures and videos from everything.
Our barn has around 40 riders around 30 were able to make it to the show today |
Our youngest rider at the barn is 3 years old |
Mavrick and me waiting for the music to start |
Roni on Pete, she was sopose to ride Snickers, but she didn't get to |
Cantering Mavrick, he needed a few taps on the sholder to get him up to a canter, he was pretty good tho :) |
Roni cantering on Pete, he is a good horse :) |
More cantering on Mavrick |
The cupcakes we got after our performance |
This is the girl that fell off, you can see in the pic this is where she lost her balence, she came off on the next jump. |
Emily jumping on Ivan who LOVES jumping as you can see LOL |
Another one of Ivan and Emily |
One of our instructors Anne, riding Libby's horse Musta, Libby is preganet, so she is our of riding for only about 2 more months |
Anne jumping on Musta again |
Thanks for looking I will try to get some of the videos uploaded tomorrow, and maybe get a video of our next lesson for you all :)
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