So first off I want to congratulate everyone who went to the banquet and won stuff tonight! Here is my LONG list of thank you's for everybody! First I want to thank my parents and my good friends for supporting me in everything, I would like to thank our advisor/s Mr. Olsen and Miss Johnson for helping with everything and teaching classes, a thank you to 2013-2014 Officers for all inspiring me to apply for an Office, and I would like to send a HUGE BIG AMAZING congratulations to all my fellow officers of 2014-2015 officers! I am so honored to have been selected for an officer and especially because I even got my first pick on my office and I'm only a freshman!! I am the reporter working with my new co-reporter named Raquel :) Can't wait for the year to come working with and getting to know everyone better!
I can't wait to see what its like to work with the officer team, and really get involved in FFA! This year I earned my Greenhand Degree, which is given out to all the new incomming FFA Members, this year we had 16 new members! Welcome to all of them, I love being a part of our group! I also recieved the Star Greenhand Degree, which is (off the one of the FFA websites)
chapter's most active first-year member who has a strong supervised
agricultural experience (SAE) program and has demonstrated leadership is
selected to win the Star Greenhand medal each year.
I am so honored for this award, I loved being involved in all the activities, and I am also looking forward to all the up-comming activities like the State FFA convention where I also get to play in the band! Again congrats to all my fellow greenhands!
I also recieved a chapter Leadership award, 4 students from our chapter were selected, one from each grade and you can only win these awards once, so no more of these for me, congrats to all other members recognized for their Chapter Leadership!!!
Again thanks to everybody, I was so suprised I got all of the things that I applied for and I am so so so happy and thankful!!! I work very hard for what I earn, Mr. Olsen (our adviser) told me tonight he has high expectations from me, and I will sure try my hardest to meet them!! I was supprised at the Star greenhand and leadership awards! I am already working on at least 2 SAE's for next year so I can get a proficency award! I can't wait to get them all up and running smoothly and maybe even making a profit off of them! Here are the pictures of my awards, I will post pictures of me and others reciving awards at the banquet here soon!
My Greenhand Degree Certificate |
My Greenhand Degree pin... |
My Star Greenhand Certificate |
My Star Greenhand Pin... |
My Star Greenhand Plaque |
My Chapter Leadership Pin |
My Officer (Reporter) Pin!! |
Congratulations! I knew you could do it!