Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Monday, August 25, 2014
Vidos Videos Videos!!!!!
Hey guys, so tons of videos FINALLY uploaded, hope you all like them!!! The first 3 are videos of riding the river, the second 2 of them are short and the first one is long!
Jacks down and back is above is and below is him just running!
Above is how to clean your horses socks and below is how to cool your horse after a ride and while I have your attention I cant stress enough how important a good cool down is! Don't go just throw a cooler on your horse or just throw them out sweaty unless it is an emergency! Walk your horse out until they are breathing normally and then you can hose them!
Below is how to clean your horse waterer! Again VERY important! Your horses stay cool by sweating in the summer and they can't do that if they don't have access to cool clean water!
Riding in the River
Hey guys so we all went riding yesterday! Nick supprised us, I asked if we could go ride, and he said sure I went and changed out of my sleep clothes and went outside and the trailer was hooked up! He told us to grab tack and we did, we got all the stuff loaded went out and grabbed Jack Jet and Chuck, loaded up and headed out, we went to brushy and got there and the sign said "multi-use trials closed" everything except the lake trail was closed due to being wet from recent rain which I think would have dried up by now..... but we had another back up plan that I though of on our way over there, so we drove down to my grandpa and grandmas house and we rode down the river! It was shallow enough where we the horses could walk through it but they still got a good work out from it, but the water also helped keep them cool. We have ridden in the river a little bit but not a whole ton, as you guys know, Chuck loves the water but he never tried to lay down and roll although he did splash the water with his legs and shake his face in the water, on average the water was about knee deep on the horses, but in some places was up to chest deep, thank goodness for tall horses and short legs because I only barely got my boots covered with water.... Roni on the other hand got wet almost up to her knees walking through there and Nick up to his ankles because Jet is tall :) we had a ton of fun on the way down, anyways we were getting close to an hour of riding and then the funniest thing happend!!!
Jack was walking along and then he hit a hole, I heard a splash and turned around to watch it all unfold! Jack tripped and went down on his knees (his head was still above water), Roni thought he just hit a deep part until he started to get up, then he kept trying to get up and he went down one more time and Roni came forward onto his neck and out of the saddle, she tried to hang on, but Jack was soaked and slippery and struggeling to get up and she couldn't so she came off right into water, completly under I was laughing so hard! Then to add insult to injury Jack just walked off while roni was still getting up and he started going back towards the farm, and Roni went to catch him and he started trotting! So I took off on Chuck to catch him and caught him a little ways up-river, then brought him back, Roni mounted back up and we headed off, then a little further Chuck fell in a hole and then he freaked out and tried to climb the river bank which is an almost verticle wall of dirt thats about 6 foot tall, he got part way up and started sliding backwards down the bank... I was leaning forward, I thought he might go over backwards! Scared the crap out of me, I tried to turn him to the side and he did a roll back (180 degree turn on the haunches without the front feed toutching the ground) and when he did he was facing the exact opposite, so going from straight up to straight down I slammed forward laying on his neck, I had enough time to get myself back sitting up and he tried to climb back up, I got him to turn and be sideways, and then I got off very carefully because it was so steep I led him back down into the water because there was no way in heck I was trying to ride him back down with how the mud was sliding out from under us, I turned him so I was a little uphill and could get on easier and hopped back on and we continued our ride, we went a little further and then turned around because we had been going for awhile.... the ride back was pretty uneventful other than Jet had a fish jump right infront/under him but he didn't care, we got back to my grandpas sandbar and we took saddles off and set them on a fallen tree on the sandbar, and walked the horses out into the water and they didn't really do much.... then we just put the saddles back on and walked them back, we hosed them off and got everything packed up and put them in the trailer and spent awhile talking to my grandpa, and Roni ate strawberries from the garden and then we went home...... it was a really fun ride, I'll get some videos up later tonight (maybe) I have an FFA meeting and can't wait to welcome all the new members this year!
Jack was walking along and then he hit a hole, I heard a splash and turned around to watch it all unfold! Jack tripped and went down on his knees (his head was still above water), Roni thought he just hit a deep part until he started to get up, then he kept trying to get up and he went down one more time and Roni came forward onto his neck and out of the saddle, she tried to hang on, but Jack was soaked and slippery and struggeling to get up and she couldn't so she came off right into water, completly under I was laughing so hard! Then to add insult to injury Jack just walked off while roni was still getting up and he started going back towards the farm, and Roni went to catch him and he started trotting! So I took off on Chuck to catch him and caught him a little ways up-river, then brought him back, Roni mounted back up and we headed off, then a little further Chuck fell in a hole and then he freaked out and tried to climb the river bank which is an almost verticle wall of dirt thats about 6 foot tall, he got part way up and started sliding backwards down the bank... I was leaning forward, I thought he might go over backwards! Scared the crap out of me, I tried to turn him to the side and he did a roll back (180 degree turn on the haunches without the front feed toutching the ground) and when he did he was facing the exact opposite, so going from straight up to straight down I slammed forward laying on his neck, I had enough time to get myself back sitting up and he tried to climb back up, I got him to turn and be sideways, and then I got off very carefully because it was so steep I led him back down into the water because there was no way in heck I was trying to ride him back down with how the mud was sliding out from under us, I turned him so I was a little uphill and could get on easier and hopped back on and we continued our ride, we went a little further and then turned around because we had been going for awhile.... the ride back was pretty uneventful other than Jet had a fish jump right infront/under him but he didn't care, we got back to my grandpas sandbar and we took saddles off and set them on a fallen tree on the sandbar, and walked the horses out into the water and they didn't really do much.... then we just put the saddles back on and walked them back, we hosed them off and got everything packed up and put them in the trailer and spent awhile talking to my grandpa, and Roni ate strawberries from the garden and then we went home...... it was a really fun ride, I'll get some videos up later tonight (maybe) I have an FFA meeting and can't wait to welcome all the new members this year!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Hey guys I got some updates for you guys, so this week was the first week of school, we went on another road ride about 5 miles this time instead of 4 because we rode about 2 and a half miles up the road towards my friends house..... then back and then worked the horses when we got home, during our ride we switched and I was riding Jack and Roni was riding Chuck, so we just stayed on them when we worked them.... Roni was working with Chuck on Cantering and I did some quick work with Jack because Roni is still not confident enough to ride him at much more than circles and figure 8s at the canter, so I rode him good and hard and he did really good. After that I was trying to coach Roni through how to do a flying with Chuck and she couldn't get it, all the while Chuck had finally quit holding his breath and Roni still relies on the stirrups a lot for balance at the canter (Roni you have some bareback riding coming your way!) and and Chuck had stopped holding air so the saddle started slipping to the side and Chuck stopped and she kept sliding she tried to get her feet out of the stirrups but couldn't (she was riding english so I don't know how she couldnt lol) and she kept sliding and after she was almost completly sideways everything just plopped down incliding her, the saddle was completly upside down I had been holding Jack but fell to the ground laughing at her as she laid there laughing too! I had already untacked Jack so Roni took off the saddle and I tried to give her a leg up but I heasitated before saying 3 and she didn't jump when I pushed her so I kinda just shoved her into Chuck lol and then we got it right the next time.... after that I got back on Jack using a barrel and we rode bareback for a bit, I took Jack through his paces walk trot canter and he did really good, I think he would make a good little WP pony he just puts his head down and plods along :) then we were done for the night and went out and gave them all a rinse and were done for the night, its been too hot this week to really do anything else I will be doing a post tonight/this weekend on how to keep your horses cool in the heat and how to take care of them when it heats up..... we are getting out early because of the heat today.... but its sopose to be even hotter tomorrow so tomorrow will be a tack cleaning day :) Also last night I grilled with the FFA at the fall kick-off and it was fun, normally the girls don't run the grill, usually the guys do it, but Roni and I flipped them and served them up, but by golly it scares the crap out of me when the grease fires start and we throw water on them to put them out, it scares me to death when the whole grill fills up with flames from the water, but its only for a few seconds, but Roni is already so excited for FFA we have our first meeting next week, I have an executive meeting on Monday.... I like FFA and were even going to a Farm Show (not saying when or where because I don't want you all to know where I live!) But we have a 2 hour late start on that day but we will still come in at 8, we get to skip school all day which also makes me happy! Anyways more things to come and videos to upload this weekend!
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Lesson Today!
Hey guys so we had our lesson again this week finally after a month and a half off because of work and one day of band camp, so it was fun getting back to the barn and getting to see everyone! It was also really fun getting to tell Anne about my flying lead changes with Chuck and she was really happy for me! I rode Mav and Roni rode Snickers Haily rode Pete and about halfway through out lesson Laura came out on Toffee who is a 4 year old who will start with lessons soon, she is new to the lesson group and isn't used to riding in the ring with other horses yet and the lesson group hasn't really accepted her yet either.... anyways most of our lesson was working at the trot preparing for the barn show that is comming up in September and doing diffrent pattens at the trot like flank turns half circle reverses and other stuff like crossing the diagonals and we did some 777 which while trotting is 7 strides posting 7 sides in 2-point and 7 strides sitting, PS the hardest part is counting beats lol at least for me! Then Roni and I did some cantering with Mav and Snickers and they both did very good! For these past few months I have worked really hard with Mavrick because he needs TONS of outside leg and rein and today it finally clicked! That was untill there were a whole bunch of people and horses standing down at the other side of the arena I couldn't get his flank turn to the right and then finally after 2 tries I got it! I was supper happy with him, then we went on a short trail ride to cool off and I found out that they have a zip line in their timber! I want one too!! After that we went back up to the barn untacked groomed and just talked with everyone for awhile it was nice to catch up with everyone again!
Friday, August 15, 2014
Hey guys so I thought I would do some Q/A for you all from some of the things I have been asked about from friends bloggers viewers and youtube subscribers!!!
1. How long have you been riding?
Good one, well to answer that its before I could walk! I have been riding for all of my life I started riding by myself at about 3 riding with supervision, before that I would sit in front of my grandparents on their saddles....
2. How many horses do you have?
Currently we have 5 but only 2 of them are actually mine! Chuck and Jet are my boys and we also have Chance and Jack, and Lucky I count him but he is a donkey :)
3. Do you ride english or western?
I ride both and didn't start riding english until about a year and a half ago!
4. What is one thing you with every equestrian would or wouldn't do?
One thing I would wish everyone wouldn't do is yank on their horses mouth, its my bigest pet peeve.... one thing I wish everyone would do is learn to balance first without using their hands so basicly the same thing....
5. What horse skills are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my ability to work with pushy horses (like Copper who has tried to run me over quite a few times) and make them willing partners, my ability to dodge kicks, and my ability to teach a horse to ride tackless!
6. Weirdest riding story you have?
Good question umm not sure when Chez was over we rode double and we trotted and she bobbled all over, or how Roni has broken 2 buckets trying to get on a horse bareback, but personally when Tara was working with me I dismounted once and my bra got caught on the saddle horn and it like almost ripped off LOL
7. What is your worst riding habbit?
Good one, it was brought to my attention by a fellow youtuber that when I jump my legs bump Chuck in the sides so I have been working on keeping my legs very quiet or now using them more so to give direction not just using one leg now but combining the two to create the flying lead changes now.... besides my legs I would also like to work on having a more consistant contact with Chuck I am still a little afraid to ride on his mouth by accident.... I also am guilty of accidently leaving things out in the yard such as lead ropes and brushes!
8. What is the scariest moment you have had with a horse?
My accident with Chuck has been the most scary experience I have had with any horse it was so scary I didn't even feel it was possible and I really thought it was a dream because I have had some bad dreams like that before including one where Chuck spooked and my hand got caught up in the lead rope and drug me down a hill and headfirst into a tree....
9.Would you rather ride with friends or without?
That depends on a trail ride with friends, I usually have the fastest horse of the group so im usually ahead any way so semi by myself, but I like to be by myself for most other stuff..... that way I can focus on my horse unless im playing around and training with roni and helping her with Jack....
10. What is your biggest fear around horses?
Mine is either A falling off and never waking up or B being dragged and thats mostly cause my accident and my dream.... but they don't rule me and I just am more aware because of those :)
11. What is the worst habit Chuck has?
Hmm.... I think his worst habit is getting over excited while doing lunging for respect stage 2 which requires a roll back type of movement and he gets really excited/flusterd when we do that but hes getting better!
12.What about the most annoying?
Thats a hard one, maybe he used to try to bite my feet? He bit me hard one time and he got kicked in the face and never did it again! Jets is that he is almost to people friendly he just loves people to much!
13. Whats your favorite horse related movie/tv show?
My favorite movie is by far War Horse (also saw the brodway version so cool) and Tv show would be heartland followed by Mr. Ed!
14. What is your biggest addiction with horses?
Um? Do you mean buying things or doing with the horses? Ill just answer both! Buying anything thats lime green and I am comming to increase my colletction of english saddle pads..... as for things to do with them..... probably run! Im a speed demon it doesn't matter what speed I fall off at its still going to hurt!
15.Who is your equestrian idol?
I have more than 1 I want the confidence to not care about what others think like Rick Gore he ALWAYS puts best interest of the horse first and isn't afraid to tell people they are doing stuff wrong! I also like Clinton Anderson with his method of training horses he goes off of the horses natural instincts to train them so they understand so much quicker and easier and then Stacy westfall for her partnership with her horses! As for personal it would have to be one of my 3 instructors Anne the instant she hops on any of the horses at the barn they instantly collect and become amazing horses and I hope to have a small amount of the talent she has one day, she even worked at a riding stable in Europe for awhile so she learned that style of english riding VS the American style...
16. What is your ideal horse?
One thats breathing ;)
17. If you could ride anywhere where would it be?
VERY good question I have no idea hmm....... probably the mountains really any of them, I prefer wooded areas that have places where you can still go faster than a walk if you wanted too!
Thats it for now guys thanks for reading!!!
1. How long have you been riding?
Good one, well to answer that its before I could walk! I have been riding for all of my life I started riding by myself at about 3 riding with supervision, before that I would sit in front of my grandparents on their saddles....
2. How many horses do you have?
Currently we have 5 but only 2 of them are actually mine! Chuck and Jet are my boys and we also have Chance and Jack, and Lucky I count him but he is a donkey :)
3. Do you ride english or western?
I ride both and didn't start riding english until about a year and a half ago!
4. What is one thing you with every equestrian would or wouldn't do?
One thing I would wish everyone wouldn't do is yank on their horses mouth, its my bigest pet peeve.... one thing I wish everyone would do is learn to balance first without using their hands so basicly the same thing....
5. What horse skills are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my ability to work with pushy horses (like Copper who has tried to run me over quite a few times) and make them willing partners, my ability to dodge kicks, and my ability to teach a horse to ride tackless!
6. Weirdest riding story you have?
Good question umm not sure when Chez was over we rode double and we trotted and she bobbled all over, or how Roni has broken 2 buckets trying to get on a horse bareback, but personally when Tara was working with me I dismounted once and my bra got caught on the saddle horn and it like almost ripped off LOL
7. What is your worst riding habbit?
Good one, it was brought to my attention by a fellow youtuber that when I jump my legs bump Chuck in the sides so I have been working on keeping my legs very quiet or now using them more so to give direction not just using one leg now but combining the two to create the flying lead changes now.... besides my legs I would also like to work on having a more consistant contact with Chuck I am still a little afraid to ride on his mouth by accident.... I also am guilty of accidently leaving things out in the yard such as lead ropes and brushes!
8. What is the scariest moment you have had with a horse?
My accident with Chuck has been the most scary experience I have had with any horse it was so scary I didn't even feel it was possible and I really thought it was a dream because I have had some bad dreams like that before including one where Chuck spooked and my hand got caught up in the lead rope and drug me down a hill and headfirst into a tree....
9.Would you rather ride with friends or without?
That depends on a trail ride with friends, I usually have the fastest horse of the group so im usually ahead any way so semi by myself, but I like to be by myself for most other stuff..... that way I can focus on my horse unless im playing around and training with roni and helping her with Jack....
10. What is your biggest fear around horses?
Mine is either A falling off and never waking up or B being dragged and thats mostly cause my accident and my dream.... but they don't rule me and I just am more aware because of those :)
11. What is the worst habit Chuck has?
Hmm.... I think his worst habit is getting over excited while doing lunging for respect stage 2 which requires a roll back type of movement and he gets really excited/flusterd when we do that but hes getting better!
12.What about the most annoying?
Thats a hard one, maybe he used to try to bite my feet? He bit me hard one time and he got kicked in the face and never did it again! Jets is that he is almost to people friendly he just loves people to much!
13. Whats your favorite horse related movie/tv show?
My favorite movie is by far War Horse (also saw the brodway version so cool) and Tv show would be heartland followed by Mr. Ed!
14. What is your biggest addiction with horses?
Um? Do you mean buying things or doing with the horses? Ill just answer both! Buying anything thats lime green and I am comming to increase my colletction of english saddle pads..... as for things to do with them..... probably run! Im a speed demon it doesn't matter what speed I fall off at its still going to hurt!
15.Who is your equestrian idol?
I have more than 1 I want the confidence to not care about what others think like Rick Gore he ALWAYS puts best interest of the horse first and isn't afraid to tell people they are doing stuff wrong! I also like Clinton Anderson with his method of training horses he goes off of the horses natural instincts to train them so they understand so much quicker and easier and then Stacy westfall for her partnership with her horses! As for personal it would have to be one of my 3 instructors Anne the instant she hops on any of the horses at the barn they instantly collect and become amazing horses and I hope to have a small amount of the talent she has one day, she even worked at a riding stable in Europe for awhile so she learned that style of english riding VS the American style...
16. What is your ideal horse?
One thats breathing ;)
17. If you could ride anywhere where would it be?
VERY good question I have no idea hmm....... probably the mountains really any of them, I prefer wooded areas that have places where you can still go faster than a walk if you wanted too!
Thats it for now guys thanks for reading!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Hey guys, so some updates on our last week of summer! So all has been good and fun I worked with Chance on Saturday, and boy does he have some spunk! It took him one time of trying to kick me while lunging for him to really see that its not a good idea! Were thinking maybe the vet aged him a little older than he actually is with how he is coming back and all his spunk!...... his lip has a funny cut on it, we don't know what from but he doesn't like his mouth toutched and I wonder if that may be the cause? So we cant take pictures easily to age him.... he did pretty good after working with him for a few more minutes and calmed down and got to work....
Earlier this week (can't remember which day) we got the horses out and rode, I worked chuck on barrels and flat work.... I think Chuck is getting bored with barrels because he kinda just humps up and doesn't want to turn around them, so we are going to lay off them for awhile, Roni worked with Jack on cantering, because he loves to take off and bolt and has bolted with people on MANY different occasions and hes getting way better about it, Roni did very good with him!
Last night we all went on a square mile trail ride which is basicly riding 4 miles in total each road in our area is a mile long so you go in a square you go 4 miles :) we all had a good fun time, Chuck didn't like it though when we were way ahead of Roni and Nick and we went past the pig barns, he doesn't mind being alone but he sure didn't like those pigs, he would stop so I would squeeze bump and bump even harder moving up with the pressure and he would go, then he would stop again and we would alternate between the bumping and flexing when he stopped we got past the first of the 3 barns he calmed down and went along nicely.... we got back and continued to ride and work them that way they arn't in such a hurry to get home after a trail ride cause they get to work.... I worked with Chuck on more collection because we were riding english then we did some faster work and Roni did some cantering we had lots of fun so here are some videos for you guys and pics!!
Above Roni cantering Jack and below me canter/almost a gallop with Chuck from horseback point of view and then Roni videoing me....
above is Chucks workout from earlier this week, you can see he just blows through it and tj and I were racing but he was on his bike around the barrel pattern..... below is a video on how to clean a moldy bridle because Nick threw our bridles in a tub with something that was wet and they all got moldy so this is how to clean them :)
A video with people and horses from our barn that we ride at called High Bridge Horse Farm where we learn about God and how to ride horses :) and below is my newest music video called This Is How We Roll!
Earlier this week (can't remember which day) we got the horses out and rode, I worked chuck on barrels and flat work.... I think Chuck is getting bored with barrels because he kinda just humps up and doesn't want to turn around them, so we are going to lay off them for awhile, Roni worked with Jack on cantering, because he loves to take off and bolt and has bolted with people on MANY different occasions and hes getting way better about it, Roni did very good with him!
Last night we all went on a square mile trail ride which is basicly riding 4 miles in total each road in our area is a mile long so you go in a square you go 4 miles :) we all had a good fun time, Chuck didn't like it though when we were way ahead of Roni and Nick and we went past the pig barns, he doesn't mind being alone but he sure didn't like those pigs, he would stop so I would squeeze bump and bump even harder moving up with the pressure and he would go, then he would stop again and we would alternate between the bumping and flexing when he stopped we got past the first of the 3 barns he calmed down and went along nicely.... we got back and continued to ride and work them that way they arn't in such a hurry to get home after a trail ride cause they get to work.... I worked with Chuck on more collection because we were riding english then we did some faster work and Roni did some cantering we had lots of fun so here are some videos for you guys and pics!!
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Riding down the road.... |
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Pretty shadow.... |
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Chuck after our ride and workout wanted to come into the garage |
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same as above photo except he came in further..... |
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Chance looking even better! |
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