Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Friday, August 15, 2014


Hey guys so I thought I would do some Q/A for you all from some of the things I have been asked about from friends bloggers viewers and youtube subscribers!!!

1. How long have you been riding?
Good one, well to answer that its before I could walk! I have been riding for all of my life I started riding by myself at about 3 riding with supervision, before that I would sit in front of my grandparents on their saddles....

2. How many horses do you have?
Currently we have 5 but only 2 of them are actually mine! Chuck and Jet are my boys and we also have Chance and Jack, and Lucky I count him but he is a donkey :)

3. Do you ride english or western?
I ride both and didn't start riding english until about a year and a half ago!

4.  What is one thing you with every equestrian would or wouldn't do?
One thing I would wish everyone wouldn't do is yank on their horses mouth, its my bigest pet peeve....  one thing I wish everyone would do is learn to balance first without using their hands so basicly the same thing....

5. What horse skills are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my ability to work with pushy horses (like Copper who has tried to run me over quite a few times) and make them willing partners, my ability to dodge kicks, and my ability to teach a horse to ride tackless!

6. Weirdest riding story you have?
Good question umm not sure when Chez was over we rode double and we trotted and she bobbled all over, or how Roni has broken 2 buckets trying to get on a horse bareback, but personally when Tara was working with me I dismounted once and my bra got caught on the saddle horn and it like almost ripped off LOL

7. What is your worst riding habbit?
Good one, it was brought to my attention by a fellow youtuber that when I jump my legs bump Chuck in the sides so I have been working on keeping my legs very quiet or now using them more so to give direction not just using one leg now but combining the two to create the flying lead changes now.... besides my legs I would also like to work on having a more consistant contact with Chuck I am still a little afraid to ride on his mouth by accident.... I also am guilty of accidently leaving things out in the yard such as lead ropes and brushes!

8. What is the scariest moment you have had with a horse?
My accident with Chuck has been the most scary experience I have had with any horse it was so scary I didn't even feel it was possible and I really thought it was a dream because I have had some bad dreams like that before including one where Chuck spooked and my hand got caught up in the lead rope and drug me down a hill and headfirst into a tree....

9.Would you rather ride with friends or without?
That depends on a trail ride with friends, I usually have the fastest horse of the group so im usually ahead any way so semi by myself, but I like to be by myself for most other stuff..... that way I can focus on my horse unless im playing around and training with roni and helping her with Jack....

10. What is your biggest fear around horses?
Mine is either A falling off and never waking up or B being dragged and thats mostly cause my accident and my dream.... but they don't rule me and I just am more aware because of those :)

11. What is the worst habit Chuck has?
Hmm.... I think his worst habit is getting over excited while doing lunging for respect stage 2 which requires a roll back type of movement and he gets really excited/flusterd when we do that but hes getting better!

12.What about the most annoying?
Thats a hard one, maybe he used to try to bite my feet? He bit me hard one time and he got kicked in the face and never did it again! Jets is that he is almost to people friendly he just loves people to much!

13. Whats your favorite horse related movie/tv show?
My favorite movie is by far War Horse (also saw the brodway version so cool) and Tv show would be heartland followed by Mr. Ed!

14. What is your biggest addiction with horses?
Um? Do you mean buying things or doing with the horses? Ill just answer both! Buying anything thats lime green and I am comming to increase my colletction of english saddle pads..... as for things to do with them..... probably run! Im a speed demon it doesn't matter what speed I fall off at its still going to hurt!

15.Who is your equestrian idol? 
I have more than 1 I want the confidence to not care about what others think like Rick Gore he ALWAYS puts best interest of the horse first and isn't afraid to tell people they are doing stuff wrong! I also like Clinton Anderson with his method of training horses he goes off of the horses natural instincts to train them so they understand so much quicker and easier and then Stacy westfall for her partnership with her horses! As for personal it would have to be one of my 3 instructors Anne the instant she hops on any of the horses at the barn they instantly collect and become amazing horses and I hope to have a small amount of the talent she has one day, she even worked at a riding stable in Europe for awhile so she learned that style of english riding VS the American style...

16. What is your ideal horse?
One thats breathing ;)

17. If you could ride anywhere where would it be?
VERY good question I have no idea hmm....... probably the mountains really any of them, I prefer wooded areas that have places where you can still go faster than a walk if you wanted too!

Thats it for now guys thanks for reading!!!

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