Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Monday, March 28, 2016


Hey guys so today we went to train with Copper, his owners took him to Brushy so they could work with him, we did ground work and then I got on him, he was doing good at the walk, so I moved on to trot and he was doing good, but not as responsive as I would have liked so we stuck to the trot, he was doing good by the time I got off so Randi could get on, he walked and trotted, and Randi canterd him a bit and he did good but had basically no steering, that's where I had my problem, steering wasn't very good at the trot and it would be very little to non exsistant at the canter, he took him around the barrels a few times. Randis end goal for copper is to be a nice pleasure and pleasure as in riding for fun and a gaming horse and his parents want him to be able to ride copper around without having to worry a whole lot about him, and I'm sure I can do that for them :) then we went back to their camp and untacked and groomed and Randi went to get him some water and food, and I had fun braiding coppers mane and then we all just hung out and talked for a bit....
Ps there were 3 Frishans there and a Gypse Varrner cross and I wanted to just wall over and pet them lol below is a pic of one of them...

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