Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Chuck and Jet happy hollidays

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Horse accident...... and an bunch of other stuff....

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

I know I am one of the Crazy ones.... I go am a rebel, I don't go along with the flow of huge painful bits, tie downs, using shots and injections to hide pain, shoes, blankets, yanking on the horses face, working my horses every time I see them.  From only a month or so after this blog was started, we were constantly bashed.... Publicly called out by people who thought lesser of us who wanted better lives for our horses.... wanted them to be able to just be horses..... but now we show them with the bonds we all have with our horses.... we take the best of all the trainers and combine it into TRUE horsemanship, the one where the bond is based off of respect and love..... where we have NO LIMITS we have fun times, no matter what happens, the situation always has a bright side.... and now I tell you my short story from this summer......

About the third week of June last summer, I had a very bad scary accident.... I was riding Chuck bareback, we had been having a good ride, we were just standing, I was talking to Roni and flexing Chuck... Chuck bolted, to this day I still don't know exactly what spooked or scared him, or what set him off, but he bolted..... he ran straight inbetween two trees, I screamed and the trees were the last thing I saw and that was the last thing I remembered..... acording to Roni, I laid on the ground for a bit, and then she knew something was wrong.... I didn't get up.... she screamed for Nick and they both ran to me while Chuck continued to run out to the pasture.... I got up and Duce one of our dogs started licking my face and I just sat there.... Nick and Roni talked to me, and then I actually came too... I can remember them pulling me up... asking if I was okay, I didn't remember taking my helmet off or anything.... I just hugged Nick shaking and crying..... it all felt completly like a dream..... Nick being an EMT checked me out, and didn't think I need any medical attention, but my sholders were all scraped up, my pants had a nice huge hole in them my leg was cut and bruised, and my helmet was completly totaled.... I think back to that day, and it really made me realize at any second we could be killed or die.... God just wanted me to stay here longer, I could have just blacked out and never woke up... but I didn't so that must mean im here to do something.......

There comes a point in every rider's life when she wonders if it's all worth it. Then one look at the horse, and she realizes - it is 

I believe in hard work, if YOU truly own the horse, you take care of it, if its hurt YOU call the vet, change wraps and clean wounds, if your horse acts up because you cant train it YOU fix it, if its your horse YOU are its whole world, don't just sit there and let others take care of your horses.... 
There are people who own and ride horses, then there are horseman..... theres a HUGE difference...... The riders and owners, only see their horses when they have to, or when its easy for them, like when they want to ride, and sometimes thats the only time people see their horses.... Then their are the people like me, who see their horses on almost a daily basis, they care for feed, groom, and do everything else inbetween, we don't pay others to do the dirty work, we do it ourselves, and we treat horses like horses.....

Here are some quotes that describe my method of training and working with horses....

"Preserve his natural gaits.  Preserve his personality.  Preserve his instinct to go forward.  Do this and you must be successful because you are respecting nature's wisdom."
- Franz Mairinger
"If the horse does not enjoy his work, his rider will have no joy."
- H.H. Isenbart

"A horse will never tire of a rider who possesses both tact and sensitivity because he will never be pushed beyond his possibilities."
- Nuno Oliveira
"You cannot train a horse with shouts and expect it to obey a whisper."
- Dagobert D. Runes 

"One reason why birds and horses are happy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses."
- Dale Carnegie

You can scream, yell, stamp your foot, throw things, throw a temper tantrum, even cry, to get your horse to do what you want, but all you really have to do is ask.  

So here are some things that sum up me and this blog and what everyone thinks of us....

I will not brag about my love for God because I fail him daily, but I will brag about his love for me because his love never fails!

God will only give you a load he knows your strong enough to handle. So if your load is greater than the rest, then your stronger than the rest.

Everyone has a story, do not be ashamed of yours... it just may help someone else get through theirs... Share your story, share your love!

No matter what life throws at me I will have faith, God has given me so many things, good and "bad" but the bad things are actually good, they make us stronger, God knows I can handle all the bad mean things people say about me, I don't give up, I will stay strong and give glory to God. I will not be ashamed if people leave my life, its the way God wanted it, he took people out of my life for a reason, he knows that my life will be much better without certain things, God will always do what is best, he makes us stronger every day, I have had some troubling times in my life, but God helps me through them all, he takes the bad things and people out of my life because God knows best. I hope you all have the same faith in God, with my accident I realized God could take me at any moment, and any time I get on a horse I might not get off or get back up, but I know no matter what Jesus died for me and in the end I will go to heaven, not because of anything I have done, but for what he did.



  1. Sorry to hear about your accident. At least you learned something from it and it wasn't in vain. I do have a question about your comment about not going with the flow of using shots or injections to hide pain. What do you mean by that?

  2. I see people who show or race, and the only reason they do it is because they want to win money, some people are just to money happy to care about their horses they dont do it to help their horses feel better, I don't like it when people just see horses as money signs.... they are like livestock to them.... It just makes me sad....

  3. but it also goes along with vacinations, I don't really think most of them are really necesary.... heck even Jets old owners, they have an older gelding who was getting his shots, and withing 24 hours the injections sights had swelled up and they had to call the vet back out to lance and drain an abcess

  4. Thanks for clarifying the statement. Sorry to hear about the older gelding and vaccination issues. Thankfully the people I know with horses haven't had any issues with vaccinating. :)

  5. Ya, I just don't like to take the risks, and as for the other stuff, using it to help the horse feel better that's fine, but doing it just to get money really bugs me, one of the lesson horses Pete has arthritis, he is sometimes on pain meds prescribed by the vet cause he gets cranky if he doesn't get ridden he loves it lol there are just some horses out there who have a big heart that needs a job to do :)
